नशे में धुत्त
नशे में धुत्त
= CROCKEDउदाहरण : भ्रातृहत्या के मामले में, नशे में धुत्त सिपाही ने अपने ही सहकर्मियों पर अंधाधुंध गोलियां चलाई तथा उनमें से छह को मार डाला.Usage : In the fratricide case, the crocked soldier fired wildly at his comrades, killing six of them.
नशे में धुत्त
= TIDDLYUsage : In a fit of rage, the tiddly soldier fired recklessly at his comrades, killing six of them.
नशे में धुत्त
= PIE EYEDUsage : He stumbled into the room, completely pie-eyed.
नशे में धुत्त
= IN CUPSUsage : To reduce the investment cost the feed and water can also be provided in cups.
नशे में धुत्त
= DRUNKENUsage : The sagging jowls red with anger and the tearful eyes stupidly blinking at the light - the face of a weeping, drunken ape.
नशे में धुत्त
= TIPSYUsage : He blabbered when he was in the tipsy state.
नशे में धुत्त
= PISSEDUsage : He is always pissed.
नशे में धुत्त
= DRUNK AS A LORDUsage : In the case of fratricide, the soldier, drunk as a lord, fired indiscriminately at his colleagues, killing six of them.
नशे में धुत्त
= SMASHEDUsage : So he smashed them up to pieces with the exception of the biggest, so that they may turn to it.
नशे में धुत्त
= SLOSHEDUsage : En route , we tramped up and down mountain tracks , traversed rivers , and sloshed through mud .
नशे में धुत्त
= WETUsage : keep away from the wet.
नशे में धुत्त
= SOUSEDUsage : After a wild night of partying, he was completely soused.
नशे में धुत्त
= LEGLESSUsage : a legless man in a wheelchair
नशे में धुत्त
= WHACKEDUsage : The next week on Raw, Triple H had another chance to hit Michaels with the object but he instead whacked the Spirit Squad.
नशे में धुत्त
= SLOPPEDUsage : The sloppy cook accidentally slopped soup all over his shirt.
नशे में धुत्त
= BLOTTOUsage : After having too many drinks at the party, she was completely blotto.
नशे में धुत्त
= SOAKEDUsage : My coat was completely soaked by rain water.
नशे में धुत्त
= LOADEDUsage : The city fell into the hands of the loaded and immediately lost its identity.
नशे में धुत्त
= SOZZLEDUsage : he got absolutely sozzled at the christmas party.
नशे में धुत्त
DRUNKUsage : In the fratricide case, the blind drunk soldier shot his colleagues, killing six of them.
नशे में धुत्त
= TIDDLEYUsage : In a tiddley state, the soldier irresponsibly fired at his colleagues, killing six of them.
नशे में धुत्त
A SKUNKUsage : In the case of fratricide, the soldier, as drunk as a skunk, recklessly fired at his own comrades, killing six of them.
नशे में धुत्त
= WHACKED-OUTउदाहरण : वह हमेशा अजीब बातें कहता है; कहीं नशे में धुत्त तो नहीं।Usage : He is always saying weird things; he must be whacked-out.
नशे में धुत्त
= AS DRUNK AS A LORDUsage : In the fratricide case, the soldier, as drunk as a lord, recklessly shot his comrades, killing six of them.
नशे में धुत्त
= PIXILATEDUsage : The artist's pixilated creations drew a crowd at the gallery.
नशे में धुत्त
= DRUNK AS A SKUNKUsage : After drinking a bottle of vodka, he was drunk as a skunk.
नशे में धुत्त
= DRUNKUsage : A drunk woman lives in there, but she 's harmless.